The 4th Azerbaijani Belt Competition in Kung Fu was held, jointly organized by the Azerbaijan Chinese Martial Arts Association and the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The tournament, hosted at the Absheron Olympic Sports Complex, featured cadets, juniors, youth, and adults competing. A total of 320 athletes from 28 teams participated.
Representatives of the “Neftchi” Sports Club delivered an impressive performance, winning 5 gold and 2 silver medals, and claimed the Azerbaijani belt. Our athletes Fəridə Quliyeva (2008-2009, 44 kg), Sənan İsgəndərov (2014-2015, 26 kg), Ayxan Məmmədov (2008-2009, 52 kg), Əli Məmmədli (2008-2009, 56 kg), and Əbülfəz Yaqubov (2008-2009, 60 kg) defeated all their opponents and ascended to the highest step of the podium. Eldar Əbiyev (2014-2015, 33 kg) and Sahil Cəfərov (2012-2013, 42 kg) were awarded silver medals.