Open republic orienteering championship has been
finished, held in the forest strips of Nabran village of Khacmaz region and
Galaalti village of Shabran region. In the competition ministries, departments,
organizations, power structures, clubs and federations and 250 athletes within
14 teams representing sports associations have joined the competition. In the
competition, organized by the introduction of the electronic chip system,
participants have demonstrated their skills in middle and long distance by
categories of “Elite”, “Open” and “Junior”.In addition to local representatives, Turkish,
Ukrainian, Latvian and Georgian athletes have also participated in the race,
organized by Azerbaijan Orienteering Federation in conjunction with the
Ministry of Youth and Sports.After the
completion of the championship names of the winners have announced in both the
team and individual competitions. “Neftchi” Sports Club’s representatives have
grabbed open national championship trophy in the team score.