The head of the office administration of “Neftchi” Sports Club Sadig
Sadigov met with the kickboxers, which have recently achieved great successes
in the national and international contests. He congratulated the young
kickboxers for their achievements, especially due to these days they have achieved
the great successes in the Azerbaijani championship and wished them success in
their future activities. The head of administration talked about the
development of sport in the country and the government’s attention to this
sphere and he said that all the conditions will be created for teens and young
athletes by the club in the future.The head coach of the club on kickboxing Ehram Majidov thanked the
leadership of “Neftchi” Sports Club for friendly meeting and for taking care of
them on behalf of the kickboxers. He expressed hope for adequately protect the
honor of our country in international competitions and will return home with
medals.In the end, they were