“Neftchi” Sports Club
Public Union takes an active part constantly in the development of sport. This
historical mission of the club is still continuing, our club is constantly
looking for innovations and is working with fierce in the development of sports
in the country. In the club, combining various kinds of sport, the further
development of football, especially children football carries a great
importance and the new projects have already been launched in this regard. Various
steps are being taken by the leadership of “Neftchi” Sports Club. So that, worked in children football categorical
and experienced professionals have been involved in this work. Selection character meetings, competitions are
held with their participation and talented children are attracted to the teams
of different age groups.Developing the
children’s soccer in the region and finding the region and finding the talented
teenagers in to surface which has been made as a goal, club also held another
great ceremony in this matter in 29 September. On special assignment of
“Neftchi” Sports club’s managing leader Sadig Sadigov, many soccer experts of
club sent to Siyazan region in a big committee. The purpose of the visit was to
the selection of the talented children. The event attracted the attention both
children and local residents, which participated nearly 200 students from 8
different schools in the district. During the day, the competitions were held
among these schools and their pupils’ games were watched by the club’s experts.
In the first half of the day adults, in the second half younger children demonstrated
their skills in the competitions organized in Siyazan Stadium for all age
groups.Under supervision of
“Neftchi” Sports Club’s teenage soccer school’s director Maharram Hasanov, and
its coordinator Azar Bagirov, in the mentioned region, committee consists of
ten trainer and selectors, held the finding talents between different age
groups. They have been divided into two groups of five to five. During the
first half of games the first fiver has watched the participants of a team, the
second fiver has watched the participants of other team and in the next station
they have changed their watching team to another. So, the football experts have
been watching matches, they have been taking notes and they have been choosing
honoures. And the competition has been held again among the elected players.Thus, in the
selection character races ongoing by the end of the day, from 1998 births Farrukh
Babazada, from 1999 births Javid Salahov, Amin Jalilov, Natig Aliyev,
Sharifulla Khankishiyev, from 2000 births Bahruz Jafarov, Sanan Khudiyev, from
2003 births Jamil Orujov, Nijat Mammadov and Hussein Aghayev, Ali Ojagguliyev,
Agil Babayev, from 2004 births Murad
Balayev, Kanan Shiraliyev, Ravan İskandarov, Elnur Adıgozalov, Vasif Isayev,
Joshgun Guliyev, from 2005 births Arif Damirov, Nahid Mahmudlu, Nijat Rakhmanov
and from 2005 births Fariz Bayramov and Kenan Balabayov were approved by
experts and they went out from the first selection successfully. In the future,
it’s intended to attract them to the teams on the respective age groups.