Sports Club” Public Union considers the protection of the health of
workers of oil, gas and chemical industry enterprises and their family members
as one of its top priorities. Our club organizes competitions for different
types of sports throughout the year and helps them to spend their leisure time
efficiently.On April 18, the
organization held the first open tourism race – orienteering championship of
the year among oil, gas and chemical industry workers and other organizations. 78
participants from the teams of OGPD named after N.Narimanov, Gas Storage
Operations Department, Heydar Aliyev Oil Refinery, “Absheronneft”
OGPD, “Gas Export” Department, “28 May” OGPD, Azerkimya
Production Association, Oil & Gas Research Institute, Urea Plant, OGPD
named after Ali Amirov, “Bibiheybatneft” OGPD took place in the
tournament held in olive gardens of Zykh settlement of Surakhani district.The main purpose
of the competition was to develop a sports field, to encourage workers to adapt
to natural conditions, to explore and promote new forms of tourism
competitions, as well as identify members of the “Neftchi Sports Club’s”
national team.Firstly, Akif
Mammadov, Massive Physical Education Manager of Neftchi Sports Club, delivered
greetings and best wishes to all participants and referees of the head of the
club administration Mr. Sadig Sadigov. He expressed his satisfaction with the
involvement of people from different fields. The club official spoke about the
state care for sports and Olympic Movement in our country and emphasized the
importance attached to the health of our citizens in our country. The speaker
wished success to all participants at the end of his speech.Then the head
referee Natalia Aliyeva informed the participants about the race and its rules.
On the forest strip 13 control stations for men and 11 for women were
determined. The length of the route was 3100 meters between men and 2900 meters
for women.Participants
competed in the competition both in personal and team contests. Among men, Yuri
Chernov ( “Daghchilig” Sports Club) rose to leadership. Ramin Aliyev
became the 2ndand Vladislav Tuzov (both “Neftchi Sports
Club”) became the third. Oksana Lyalyakina (“Daghchilig” Sports
Club) became the fastest participant in the women’s personal race. Natalia
Shiyanova (“Daghchilig” Sports Club) took the second and Tatyana Ganiyeva
(Neftchi Sports Club) took the third places.In the team
competitions, Heydar Aliyev Oil Refinery Plant became the winner. OGPD named
after N.Narimanov took the second and Azerkimya Production Association took the
third places. Participants who took the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in the overall
team and personal competitions (men and women) were awarded with diplomas and souvenirs
by the “Neftchi Sports Club”.