In the XXIII
Spartakiade of oil, gas, chemical and industry workers darts, checker and tug
of war competitions were finished, after athletics, swimming and chess
competitions. The team of Oil Pipelines Department has not compromised
leadership anyone on the kind of darts among men and women in the competitions,
held in Tofig Ismailov Olympic Training-Sports Complex. Heydar Aliyev Oil
Refinery Plant has become the second among between representatives of both
genders. “Neftd Dashlari” (OGPD) has
taken 3rdplace among the women; “Siyazanneft” (OGPD) has taken 3rdplace among the men.In the competitions
of tug of war the team of Heydar Aliyev Oil Refinery Plant consisting of İlgar Aliyev, Pasha Novruzov, Elvin
Jafarov, Nurulla İskandarov, Zamin Asadov and Arif Gadimov has become a
leader. Oil Pipelines Department (Rafig Aliyev, Rustam Jafarov, Elshad
Rzayev, İntigam Jalilov, Huseyn Aliyev, Fuad İsmayilov) has taken the
second place; the team of “Gas Export” Department (Hikmat Aliyev, Rovshan Shakhsuvarov,
Emin Aghayev, Rufat Mammadov, Ramin Safarov, Anar Maharramov) has taken 3rdplace.The team of Heydar
Aliyev Oil Refinery Plant has become the first in the kind of checker. The
teams of Oil Pipelines Department and Department of Transportation have taken 2ndand 3rdplaces.The winners were
presented diplomas, medals and memorable gifts of our club on each of the three
sports.The Spartakiade
continues, which was organized by “Neftchi” Sports Club.