” Sports Club regularly organizes competitions in various sports among the
oil, gas and chemical industry workers, which playing an important role in the
development of physical culture and sport our country. The most grandiose event
is Spartakiade, held with the aim of Popularization of sport, the formation of
youth healthy spirit, the organization of leisure time of oil workers and their
family members and organized in each year September on the eve of the professional
holiday of oil workers.This year, the
club continued its tradition and organized XXIII Spartakiade of oil, gas and
chemical industry workers. 1239 participants participated in this prestigious
competition on the 14 kinds of sports (athletics, swimming, mini football,
volleyball, streetball, lifting stone, chess, checkers, backgammon, table
tennis, darts, tug of war, arm wrestling and shooting) and 293 of them were
women. The teams participating in competitions from 31 institutions were held in
Tofig Ismailov Olimpic Training-Sports Complex, in the form of athletics in Ismet
Gayibov Sports Training Base, in the form of swimming in “Start” Sport Complex.The competitions
were held between men and women with freestyle swim separately in the form of
swimming. Three men and three women have participated from each team and the
best results were included in the report. The Women have competed at a distance
of 25 meters and the men have competed at a distance of 50 meters. The most
frequently reaching the finish line was a representative of the Heydar Aliyev
Oil Refinery among the men. Diving and Rescue Department has taken the second
place and Oil Pipelines Department has taken the third place. The
representative of “Neft Dashlari” OGPD has become leader. Oil Pipelines
Department has stopped in the 2nd place and Heydar Aliyev Oil Refinery Plant
has taken the 3rdplace.Athletics competitionswere held on the following program as individual and
team championship between men and women: 100 meters, running jump, jumping from
place and shot put. Three athletes could participate in these competitions from
each institution. One the best result was
included in the report. Each participant could participate in only three types
of the program. Team points were estimated with total of ranks of all
participants. The team of Heydar Aliyev Oil Refinery Plant did not compromise
leadership to anybody in this type among the men and the women. Among the men
“Neft Dashlari” OGPD and “Azerkimya” Production Association, among the women Oil
Pipelines Department and Transportation Department divided he 2nd and 3rd
places respectively. The team of Heydar Aliyev ORP was ahead of all competitors
in family competitions on athletics among the boys. “Azerkimya” Production
Association took the 2ndplace and “Neft Dashlari” OGPD took the 3rdplace. “Neft Dashlari” team showed the best result in the girls’ competitions.
Transportation Department took the second place and Heydar Aliyev Oil Refinery
Plant took the third place.In the form of chess the compositionof the team was organized by 3 persons (2 male + 1 female).
Winners were determined in the team championship. The team of Oil Pipelines
Department rose to leadership in the chess tournament. “Azerigaz”
Production Union became the 2ndplace; Heydar Aliyev ORP became the
3rdplace.In the checkers competitionthe composition of the team and the rules of the
competition was just like in chess. In this kind Heydar Aliyev ORP took the
first place. Oil Pipelines Department and Transportation Department took the
second and the third places.In the form of streetball competitionshas been held separately for men and women and the
winners has been determined separately. The team was composed of 4 members. The
game encompassed two portions. Throughout the game falling to the basket each
ball was considered 2 points, thrown from fine falling to the basket each ball
was considered 1 point and the edge of the penalty area thrown ball was
considered 3 points. In this type men’s competition the team of Heydar Aliyev
ORP won the winning title. Information Technology and Communications Department
took the 2ndplace and “Gas Export” Department was the 3rd. Heydar
Aliyev Oil Refinery Plant was superior from all his rivals in the competition
among the representatives of the fair sex. Oil Pipelines Department finished
the competition in the 2nd place and “Neft Dashlari” team finished the competition
in the 3rdplace.In the form of Tug of warthe composition of the team was composed of 6 members.
The competition was held with accepted system “lost out” in the general
regulations. Heydar Aliyev ORP continued its leadership in Tug of war winning
the support of the many fans. Oil Pipelines Department took the 2nd place and
“Gas Export” Department took the 3rdplace.In darts competitionmen and women competed separately. The composition of
the team was composed of 3 members. Each of the participants threw a special
little arrow to target hung on the wall with 6 initiatives from 3 meters
distance. The winners were determined based on the total points of team
members. The same points scored teams have competed again among themselves
until a winner is determined. In this type interesting results were
recorded. So, among the representatives
of both sexes Oil Pipelines Department took the first place and Heydar Aliyev
Oil Refinery Plant took the second place. “Siyazanneft” OGPD took the
third place among the men; “Neft Dashlari” OGPD took the third place among the
women.In the kind of lifting stone5 persons took part from each collective (1 person in
each weight category). The participants were divided into the following groups
according to weight category: 65 kg, 75 kg, 85 kg, 95 kg and over 95 kg. The competitions
were held with 24 kg stones. Winners were
determined without putting stone on ground with total of lifting number the
right and left hand in the team championship. In the kind of lifting stone the
team of Heydar Aliyev ORP proved to be the most powerful and again rose to
leadership. “Neft Dashlari” OGPD and Oil Pipelines Department divided 2nd and
3rd places.Volleyball competitionswere held separately for men and women and the
winners were determined in accordance with separately. Team composition was
organized from 8 persons. The game consisted of three parts and if any team won
two portions, the game was stopped. Points were calculated by the method of
time-break. The Competition was held in subgroup at the initial stages of the
race and at the final stage the competition was held with “lost out” system.
Information Technology and Communications Department won winning title in the
form of volleyball among the men. “Neft Dashlari” OGPD took the second place
and the team of “Azerkimya”Production Association took the third
place.The team of Heydar Aliyev ORP did not recognize any
competitors from female volleyball players.
The teams of “Azerkimya” and Oil Pipelines Department took decision in
accordance with the 2ndand 3rdplaces.In the kind of armwrestlingbattle was organized among men, in 70 kg, 80 kg, 90
kg and 90 kg weight categories. The competitions were held with adopted rules.
In the armwrestling competition Heydar Aliyev ORP maintained its leadership.
“Azerkimya” PA was the second and Transport Department was the third.In mini-soccer competitionsthe composition of the team consisted of 8 people. The
competition was held in subgroups which according to throwing draw at the
initial stage and after winning two teams from each group qualify for the
final, the competition was held with “lost out” system. If the winner isn’t determined at the final
stage at the main time of match, then three sixmeter kicks are used for
determine the winner. Again, if the winner is not determined, sixmeter kicks are
continued until the determination of the winner. If the 1st place winner isn’t determined at
the main time of match, then extra time is given 10 minutes at the final match.
If it isn’t determined the winner, then sixmeter kick rule is applied.At this time,
the most massive kind of sport was mini-football. In tournament, this since the
beginning to the end of the spartakiade ongoing in atmosphere of intense
fighting and accompanied with great excitement, “Surakhani Oil” Operating
Company and team of Information Technology and Communications Department had
qualified for the finals. “Surakhani Oil” team demonstrated the superior game
in the final match, which was very interesting and both teams struggled with
the way to victory. This team was victorious in this decisive match and won the
title of winner of the mini-football. Information Technology and Communications
Department was 2ndand Ecology Department team was 3rd.In the table-tennis competition3 people was taking place (2men + 1 woman). Games
were held in accordance with procedures specified and winners were determined
in the team championship. After two teams rising the final round from each
group, battles were continued with “lost out” system. “Neft dashlari” team
was victorious in the table-tennis competitions. Teams of “Azerkimya” PA and
Heydar Aliyev ORP were ranked the 2nd and 3rd place respectively.In the backgammoncompetitions the composition of the team consisted of
3 members. The winners were determined in the team championship and games were
held with “long” method. 2 points were given victory with gammon (mars)
and 1 point was given victory with the whole game. Women could take part in the
competition. Every player was playing one “tas” (= 3 games). The competition is
held in a subgroup in the first stage after winning two teams from each group
qualify for the final, the competition was held with “lost out” system. In the
form of backgammon “Azerigaz” Production Union took place at the
summit.”Bahar Energy” Operating Company took the 2ndplace and “28
May” OGPD took the 3rdplace.In the form of shooting competitions was held separately for men and
women. The team composition was organized from 3 persons. Competition
participants competed fired from 10 meter distance pneumatic gun to landmark.
Each participant was given 10 bullets (5 for the training, and 5 for the race).
The winning teams were determined according to the sum of their points which
were collected. If several of the teams collect the same points, then 3
initiative competitions have been held until certain of winning among them. Oil
Pipelines Department rose to the leadership in the race for shooting. Heydar
Aliyev ORP and “28 May” OGPD
divided the 2nd and 3rd places respectively. Heydar Aliyev ORP was
ranked at the top again among the representatives of the fair sex. Oil Pipeline
Department was the 2nd; Gas Export Department was the 3rd.Thus, Heydar
Aliyev Oil Refinery Plant (692.5 points) won the title of the winner of XXIII
Spartakiade. Oil Pipelines Department (637.5 points) took the 2ndplace and “Neft Dashlari” OGPD (607.5 points) took the 3rdplace.The winners were
presented diplomas, medals and valuable gifts by “Neftchi” Sports Club.Thus, XXIII
Spartakiade of oil, gas and chemical industry workers was finished.