The Azerbaijan
Table-Tennis Cup among the juniors and teenagers has ended organized in the
“Shua” Sports and Health Complex (born in 1999-2000, 2001 and younger
athletes). In the individual and team character competition nearly 130 athletes
have competed from Baku and Sumgayit, as well as different regions.The
representatives of “Neftchi” Sports Club have taken part in the competition in
both age groups. The teams consisting of the girls and boys have taken the
third place among the athletes born in 2002 and more juveniles. In the personal
competitions the tennis players have continued their successful performances.
In the dual race of the girls Zemfira Mikayilova and Aysu Rasulzada have taken
a bronze medal. Among the boys Rashad Tahirov and Mahammad Gardashov have
repeated the same the successes. In the dual-mixed race Zemfira Mikayilova and
Ibrahim Ansari have become the national champions.In the competition
of athletes born in 1999-2000 years, Zemfira Mikayilova and Aliya Hashimova
have been awarded a silver medal of the dual race. In the dual-mixed races,
Zemfira Mikayilova and Ibrahim Ansari have also taken the second place.